Every year Flow Dance Academy will have audition in France for our one or two years dance education in Paris and in Norway for the 6 month course in Oslo

for the 3, 6 month Intensive course or 1 or 2 year Dance education Season 2024/2025.

Audition In France 2024
Sunday 17 November 14h-17h
Sunday 08 December 14h-17h

· Your personal information as well as a brief text about you, your
dance background and Your motivation for the study.
· Attach a photo of yourself.
· Training and work experience. Preferably with references.
· You are required to tell us about your health: injury, illness or other.
· If you are unable to pay the first payment on time, we will need a guarantee that you can pay for the education – how do you finance the study?

Send your application form to flow@flowdanceacademy.com
You will receive a confirmation that your request has been accepted.

Application Form “PDF”
Application Form “Word”